Any injection penetrating the skin will cause some swelling / inflammatory
response, so please be aware that any swelling, bruising, redness, and tenderness are all
perfectly normal responses from your body.
When you leave the clinic, this will not be your final result, as filler takes 14 days to settle in the skin. Before this period you may find that the area may look lumpy / uneven. Please do not panic as this is completely normal and everything will settle after the 14 day healing process. After the 14 day period you still have concerns please get in contact with as and we will review you as soon as possible. You will also loose up to 60% of swelling in the 14 day posttreatment period. As Rome wasn't built in a day, to build up your lips will take a few treatments in order for the filler to sit on top of the previous filler and therefore last longer.
don't panic if your lips feel too big, remember you will lose 60% of your swelling after
10-14 days. You can apply ice to help bring down swelling.
Bruising is also completely normal this will also subside within 14 days. You can take arnica tablets / apply arnica cream to help with this.
Please keep the lips clean for at least 12 hours after treatment. We advise only using vaseline as you don't want to run the risk of getting an infection.
Swelling will happen with all procedures as we are penetrating the skin either a needle however after 7-10 days you will loose 60% of the swelling.
Please avoid sun beds or intense heat during the healing process.
Please avoid exercise for at least 24 hours.
Please avoid taking aspirin / ibuprofen for 48 hours as this could increase your risk of bruising.
Avoid touching the area for around 6-8 hours and do not wear any makeup for 24 hours as this could increase your risk of infection.